When most people think of a preschool their minds tend to drift toward the idea of a program centered and geared toward children spanning from the ages of three to five. Preschool is basically the middle ground for children who have beyond the toddler stage but haven’t quite made it the appropriate age for kindergarten. A Child’s Academy places emphasis on early childhood development – working with the children that we look after to help improve their literacy and arithmetic skills. If you have been looking for daycares in Gainesville FL you can rest assured when you turn to a Child’s Academy for help you’ll be in good hands.
Preschool Vs. Daycares in Gainesville FL
As a parent, you may be wondering what exactly is the difference between preschool centers and daycares in Gainesville FL. While both practices of child care involve many similar characteristics the difference between the two can be described by observing recurring traits of each type of child care services. It’s typical for preschools to provide child care services for fewer hours and for them to be closed during holidays, school breaks, and summer. Think of preschools as a structured version of elementary school but for younger children. Preschool must be appropriately licensed and their teachers are to have some type of early childhood education training/certifications.
Contrarily daycares in Gainesville FL tend to provide full-time care and tend to have more flexibility in age range (infants – pre-kindergarten kids). A Child’s Academy provides the families that we serve with the best elements from both ends of the coin. We house a highly structured preschool program with a spectacular curriculum while remaining as flexible as possible with parents in regards to age groups and hours of care.
Similarities between preschools & daycares in Gainesville FL
A well-run preschool and a well-run daycare should be fairly similar in the grand scheme of their operations. Although some people use the term “daycare” to talk down about some child care programs when this happens you can rest assured that there is misconception flying about in the room. Preschools and daycares in Gainesville FL are to meet many of the same licensing and accreditation needs and can be evaluated nearly identically. The misconception that one type of childcare service is better than another because of the way the location was referred to or described is an unfounded claim that simply arose within pop-culture.
The Bottom Line
When it comes down to it the way a child care service provider is referred to is pretty arbitrary. If the preschool teacher or child care provider that stays with your childcare for them and their development then they are the premier solution for your needs. A Child’s Academy plans and carries out numerous age-appropriate activities in order to keep the children we care for happy and properly engaged.
When you find yourself in need of Daycares in Gainesville Florida turn to the number one preschool services provider in Alachua County. Your child deserves more than just good, they deserve the best. Contact our team at A Child’s Academy today to get more information on programs and rates.